After the success of Dr Hilary's slot on GMTV and the advent of columns such as that of "Ask Dr Alan" in 'Woman' magazine, the Word if proud to present:- |ASK DR CRIPPIN! Our first problem for our resident agony-aunt, Dr Crippin, to ponder over, is a commonly encountered problem in this line of business, that of the marriage that has become lacklustre, and caused strained tensions and wandering fancies... Dear Dr Crippin, I am a young wife of 32 years whose married life has become somewhat dull & lifeless over the past year or so. My husband of eight years has begun to express disinterest and does not seem to find me sexually attractive anymore. He never was very big in the trousers department, and could never have been described as a stud, but a he was better than nothing (marginally) and a woman needs to get hers too, you know!! Please help, as I am on the brink of a very serious relationship with a young cucumber I met on a lunch date. Yours, |Worried in Wigan Mrs Worried, In my professional opinion, in order to put the spark back into your relationship, you should wait for him to come home from work one evening and give him a big surprise. I suggest soaking your husband's underpants in salt water, then wiring his favourite armchair up to the mains. These will certainly be a surprise, and should alleviate your problems in an instant (for once, not organised by Camelot!). My next letter is from a computer porgrammer in Cleethorpes, Dear Dr Crippin, I am a coder from Cleethorpes (I just said that, thicko!), and I have a severe problem in that, I'm so jealous of my mate, Dibz (aka Aladdin Sane), that I take the piss out of him no end. He's such a rock-god sex-machine cosmic diva that I cannot help but feel complete self-loathing when in his most gracious presence. Please help, as I have even been writing scurrilous articles in a disk-zine (what a lovely word, DISK-ZINE, it just rolls off the tongue) about him, when they're blatantly untrue. Yours, |CUNT from Cleethorpes Dear CUNT, Its obvious to me that your friend is the handsomest, most gorgeously sexy and omnipotent lurve-fiend in the entire universe and you should be SERIOUSLY ASHAMED of the terrible things you have done to him. I am afraid you will just have to hope that he is as forgiving as he is raunchy and that he will accept as his friend once more, probably after you having completed a number of small tasks (ever heard of the LABOURS OF HERCULES ?) That's about all for this ish, CUNT has pisseed me off to the extent that I cannot be ARSED to answer any more worries, now go on, SOD OFF ! |DR CRIPPIN Dr Crippin, just one of the many facets of my wonderful personality... Aladdin Sane (1974 - 199?)